Saturday, December 1

Red ribbon story

I received this Ruban rouge pin in a gay bar last night. How I got there is a rather long story I will have to tell you some other time, 'cos I'm running late now.

In fact, we all have more important things to do today. Please wear your own red ribbon and meet me down town.

Journée mondiale de lutte contre le sida - 01/12/07 Originally uploaded by MKWM

"SIDA... mour on parlait?"


Unknown said...

I've been wearing one since the early nineties - pretty much non-stop.

A lot of (young) people today seem to think there is a cure, or that it's an easily "manageable" illness.

So I find it a bit sad that the RR is still relevant.

Enfin, bon weekend, et sortons couvert !

Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

Next time you go cruising in a gay bar, let me know! Gaylords are much more fun than straight guys, in this town anyway.

Pat said...

Last week practically everyone on TV wore the ribbon. It is sad that interest has diminished over the last ten years but champions like Stephen Fry are doing their best to keep people aware. He recently did a brilliant TV programme

Anonymous said...

Tu ne me croiseras pas en bas de ta ville dommage !!
But this battle is not it of day, but permanant...

Anonymous said...

I don't know about anywhere else much, but the UK has one of the worst records of new infections in Europe as I understand. I know it's very easy to get carried away and think "it will never happen to me" but it does. I think any campaign or device to promote (a) protecting yourself from HIV and (b) better care and research for those with AIDS can only be a good thing. So why isn't the message getting through?