Wednesday, October 1

Keep calm and carry on

Easy peasy, I simply did not log out the other night and could access the dashboard as soon as I got back home. A couple of internet connexion failures made me practice in the meantime and so I memorised the username I must use, finally.

I barely got the chance to write anything though, my daughter caught all my attention on skype until very late. It's great to be able to chat and also see each other from so far away... By the way, have you noticed the bullet holes on this road sign? Nah, I'm not worried at all, I love that island too!

Tonight I checked several links from the old blogosposse and saw that some are still active, unbelievable!! I know most of the guys are on the very famous F book, which I gave up nearly two years ago. Anyways, social media are not my topic at the moment. But still, I'll have to explain in details what e-meeting someone means...

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