Thursday, April 5

Red is for Passion

A Romanian choir mate was telling me last night that I could use onion peels to dye my Easter eggs. So as I was searching the Internet for more info on natural colorants, I found out that some priests have become bloggers. Holy me, this world is truly beyond belief...

On the plus side, Father Joseph has already explained why eggs are tinted red and what they symbolise. Eggs-cellent, now I can swiftly go into the kitchen and start dyeing eggs, while you find yourself a good reason to celebrate Easter, should you need one.

Top Ten Reasons

10. You absolutely love the movie, "The Ten Commandments".

9. You look really, really good in yellow.

8. You just went on a low cholesterol diet and didn't want to waste all those eggs in the fridge.

7. You figure any Holiday that starts with a "Good Friday" can't be all bad.

6. You love to bite the heads off chocolate bunnies.

5. It's a good time to check out your neighbourhood church and not be noticed.

4. You have this bunny suit you love to wear, but are too insecure to wear it without a reason.

3. Even though you don't know what it is, you really like the sound of going to a "Passion Play."

2. You figured since Jesus went to all THAT trouble to make it to the first Easter, you'd give it a shot.

1. As a Christian you celebrate the resurrection every other day, why not Easter too?


Elaine Greywalker said...

Nice 10 reasons! I think I'll choose "yellow looks good on me" or "the bunny suit I keep in my closet." There are other variants on the choco bunnies which I'm sure you know about but are too refined to share here. Happy Easter (if I don't make it back before then)!

Drama Queen said...

Passion play all way. But you're right I have no idea what it is. . .

MKWM said...

My sister had sent me a nice UK variant of those bunnies last year but I didn't keep it, unfortunately. I only found the US variant with "my butt hurts" but "arse" is so much smarter... Thank you Elaine, Easter won't be as happy as if I could spend it in Greece but I'll do my best!

Passion play for a Drama Queen, I'm not surprised! Don't ever watch The Passion Of The Christ by Mel Gibson, though. I just found it horrible, some people left after a while, I wish I had followed them instead of staying in that cinema watching that silly movie (but at least I can now say it was horrible all the way). I would highly recommend "Jesus of Nazareth" by Franco Zeffirelli.

Anonymous said...

Le saviez-vous la race des poules de Marans pond des œufs roux, « d’un rouge profond » MARANS est un port de l'Aunis, à une vingtaine de kilomètres de LA ROCHELLE

Joyeuses Pâques

Soup Waiter said...

awww Elaine!! tell about the choco bunnies!

agree about The Passion of Mel Gibson, horrid and pointless

MKWM said...

What else is there to know about the bunnies, please do tell!

J'en apprends tous les jours: un croisement de races et voilà, plus besoin de peinturlurer les oeufs... Joyeuses Pâques, Did!

Soup Waiter said...

as i'm steeped in learnings of lingo I'll translate the last bit for the uninitiated:

"I've apprehended another journalist: a breakfast of raisins and there, more drinks for the painters of eggs... Happy Easter, I said!"

How poetic. Double egg and chips for minky!

MKWM said...

Voici une version astucieuse, poétique et comique à la fois, je l'adore.

Merci pour les oeufs sur le plat et les frites. Ferais-je preuve de gourmandise en demandant des champignons, des haricots à la sauce tomate et un morceau de pain?

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