Tuesday, January 30

Earliness, readyness, thoughtfulness

Easter eggs were already in the supermarket yesterday.

Very early, isn't it?

Today, the decoration in a window shop drew my attention.

Red heart shapes floating around four huge red letters.

Just in time...

Or perhaps too short a notice considering I need to...

Find myself a Valentine whithin a fortnight.

find myself a Valentine within a fortnight.

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zoe said...

to be honest, i wouldn't bother - unless it's just for the present and the possibility of a shag ;)

MKWM said...

Haha! ;-))
Truth be told, the possibility of a shag would be fair enough for me. I couldn't think of a more 'romantic present' anyway!!

SpanishGoth said...

So, this was in a shop selling windows? How bizarre? Do they sell curtains too - otherwise all this shaggings going to be a bit visible n'est pas?

MKWM said...

Dip Dop, thank you for being my friend. May you and your Colombine always be happy with each other.
Platonic love & Friendship are two great values that just inspired me a lot of beautiful feelings.
(à suivre...)

Goth Master, this was a 'vitrine de magasin', isn't it 'shop window' or something in English? Whatever... It was Leonidas and I'm sure they also made heart shaped pralines for the occasion, I should go and have a closer look.

Curtains are of course absolutely necessary: lovers' matters must remain private matters.

Drama Queen said...

Give the man the tea damit!!!

MKWM said...

DQ, the damn box is still unclaimed and I haven't found the courage to pass by and deliver it.

But I will...

Well, perhaps.

SpanishGoth said...

Indeed Minky, shop window is correct but in the post it says window shop. Splitting hairs really, because window shopping can be either purchasing windows or the very femail practise of gazing through the glass at items in a shop without actually purchasing. Can be a male habit as well but generally confined to Amsterdam or any TV shop showing football ;-)

SpanishGoth said...

ha ha - so intent on being a pretentious prick there that I went and wrote femail (what the F**ks that all about - Freudian slip? "Coo, wouldn't mind getting in her mailbox!"???? The boy knows no level of depravity ;-)

MKWM said...

Femail, haha... Goth Master, we do any kind of mistakes when we're tired or sleepless. So 'shop window' is vitrine de magasin et 'window shopping' is faire du lèche-vitrine, I'll remember that, thanks.

Oh, btw, it's the end of January, did you get your A-level in French?

Anonymous said...

I think the problem is that, in French, they often put the words in the wrong order. The Germans also do this, I believe. Mind you, they also drive on the wrong side of the road; so it's no great surprise!

If you use the same word order in English, you just sound like Yoda.

Now must I work leave.

Drama Queen said...

Auch, do it MK. . .the tea that is. I have no idea what Goth is going on about but thank the lord it doesn't mention boots. . .

kissme said...

And there's something wrong if you sound like Yoda?

You can keep the shag but a Valentine's day present is something I dream about.

kissme said...

Oh, and deliver that bloody tea.

MKWM said...

Lynx, as we see it, Brits are driving on the wrong side of the road and putting words in the wrong order. Apparently, people have different points of view!
Yoda from Star Wars? I don't know what he sounds like and don't even remember seeing the film(s) but anyway, the important thing is to be understood and that is achieved even when a language is not spoken properly. On finit toujours par se comprendre, n'est-ce pas?

DQ, he didn't actually mention the boots but he was close enough with 'Amsterdam and gazing at items through the glass'.

The bloody tea indeed, I should get rid of it or I'll end up brewing it all and drowning myself in gallons of tea.

Kissme, you have a terrific husband who will give you both. Lucky you!!!

It was so nice chatting with you All, now I must sleep leave. Bonne nuit (see here, Lynx, same order as good night, Gut Nacht, buenas noches, buona notte or καληνύχτα).

Drama Queen said...

You are always welcome to come to mine, tea in hand. . .

MKWM said...

To come where, DQ? In a tea room or at your place for tea, biccies & tuna sandwiches?

That's a very good alternative. BTW, what happened to that meeting up plan of ours?

Drama Queen said...

yes, come to mine for High Tea (thats tea and jam scones BTW).

I know, we must get a plan! Where does the time go? Blogging, no doubt, and not enough real living

MKWM said...

Jam scones, miam miam! (must be yum yum or something, still the same order of words!). Many thanks for the invitation, DQ, I'll gladly come for high tea whenever.

Right, where does the time go? It flies so damn quickly...

Anonymous said...

I was hoping that my writing was of such quality that the humour would shine through. I guess I need to include more :-)'s!

I suspect I've never really recovered from my German 'A' level. We had to read Thomas Mann (amongst others), and you had to read about two pages to find the end of the sentence!

If I remember correctly, Tippler was going to arrange a bloggers meeting, after the magazine was printed. Mind you, if he's still off the fags you might not want to meet him! :-)

By the way, there are only 2 points of view on anything:
1. My point of view
2. The wrong point of view


MKWM said...

Likewise, Lynx, I think I need to include more :-)'s!

Deutsch aber deutschlich... rather difficult grammar and I had quite of lot of headaches myself. I was nearly fluent in German at the age of 17 (so long ago I'm afraid). Nowadays, I can still understand a lot and say very little with a very good pronunciation. However, I haven't forgotten the 'birdcatcher' and this
Zauberflöte tune we were singing at the time:

Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja,
Stets lustig, heißa, hoppsassa!
Ich Vogelfänger bin bekannt
Bei Alt und Jung im ganzen Land.
Weiß mit dem Locken umzugehn
Und mich auf's Pfeifen zu verstehn.
Drum kann ich froh und lustig sein,
Denn alle Vögel sind ja mein!

As for the other Papageno, he is still off the fags, at least he was until earlier today, if what he wrote is true. He doesn't scare me, you know, he's always pissed off anyway, I wouldn't even notice a "fags/no fags" difference. ;-)
Since the mag is out, I suppose the meeting will follow in due course. Hopefully, you will attend too, Lynx.

Anonymous said...

If I am invited, and I am in Brussels, I would be honoured to attend.

MKWM said...

Mind you, I'm not sure I will be invited myself!! But then, we could easily plan a meeting of our own, couldn't we?

Theda said...

This is fantastic!